Abundancy Partners (2009): Open Letter to the Queen

Copia disponible en http://web.archive.org/web/20091026023315/http://abundancypartners.com/open-letter-queen

Energy underlies everything – Scylla and Charybdis of peak oil and climate change. The underlying cause of the current economic meltdown is a multi-generational debt-binge inextricably linked to a concomitant multi-generational energy-binge. The Academy’s letter focuses on some «imbalances in the global economy». However, the key to addressing our current situation is to recognise the far more serious imbalances between our insatiable hunger for energy, its finite nature and the environmental pollution in its use.

Energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Our exponential debt-based money system is in turn based on exponentially increasing energy supplies. It is therefore clear that the supply of that energy deserves our very highest attention. That this attention doesn’t appear in the Academy’s analysis is deeply worrying.

Phillip Blond, CEO, ResPublica; Alain de Botton, Philosopher; Tom Burke CBE, co-founder E3G; Professor Herman Daly, Maryland University; Geraint Talfan Davies, Chairman, Institute of Welsh Affairs; Professor Lord Anthony Giddens; Stephen Hale, CEO Green Alliance; Andy Hobsbawm, Chair Agency.com, Founder dothegreenthing.com; Rob Hopkins, Founder of Transition Towns; Prof Tim Jackson, SDC; Tony Juniper, Author and ex Executive Director, Friends of the Earth; Professor Melissa Lane, Princeton University; Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Jeremy Leggett, Chair, Solar Century; Peter Lipman, Chair, Transition Network; Jules Peck, Partner, Abundancy Partners; Robert Phillips, Co-author, Citizen Renaissance; Sir Jonathon Porritt OBE, ex Chair, SDC; Mike Robinson, CEO, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland; John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace; Anthony Seldon, Master, Wellington College; Matthew Taylor, CEO, the RSA; Professor Peter Victor; York University, Canada. 14/08/2009

Genero: Cartas abiertas, Otras publicaciones
Subjects: cambio climático, ciencia, crecimiento económico, crisis económica, diagnóstico, english, fin del crecimiento, gobiernos, Jeremy Leggett, Jonathon Porritt, peak oil, prosperidad, Rob Hopkins
Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

This report argues that governments have failed to acknowledge a looming oil supply crunch. Their collective failure means we have lost a decade in which action could have been taken. Recognition of the oil supply crunch would also have injected a sense of urgency and increased ambition into climate change negotiations.

Disponible en: https://www.globalwitness.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/heads_in_the_sand_web.pdf

Página del informe en el web de los editores, con enlace también a una versión en alta resolución: https://www.globalwitness.org/archive/heads-sand-governments-ignore-oil-supply-crunch-and-threaten-climate/

Nota de prensa: https://www.globalwitness.org/archive/government-failure-acknowledge-oil-supply-crunch-risks-conflict-and-threatens-climate/

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, cambio climático, desinformación, english, gobiernos, peak oil, petróleo
RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

November 2010.

Disponible en: https://web.archive.org/web/20111214052758/http://www.foeeurope.org/agrofuels/ILUC_briefing_November2010.pdf

National plans for energy and transport show Europe is set to increase significantly biofuel use. By 2020, biofuels will provide 9.5% of total energy in transport; 92% of these fuels will come from food crops (such as oil seeds, palm oil, sugar cane, sugar beet, wheat).

This will require an expansion of cultivated agricultural land globally, converting forests, grasslands and peat lands into crop fields. Up to 69 000 km2 will be affected – an area over twice the size of Belgium.

Total net GHG emissions from biofuels could be as much as 56 million tonnes of extra CO2 per year, the equivalent of an extra 12 to 26 million cars on Europe’s roads by 2020. This means that instead of being 35 to 50% less polluting than fossil fuels (as required by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED)), once land use impacts are included, the extra biofuels that will come to the EU market will be on average 81% to 167% worse for the climate than fossil fuels.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: agricultura, agrocombustibles, cambio climático, co2, combustibles, ecología, emisiones de GEI, energías alternativas, english, impactos medioambientales, política energética, políticas públicas, previsiones, transporte, ue, uso de la tierra

FLEMING, DAVID; CHAMBERLIN, SHAUN (2011): TEQs – Tradable Energy Quotas: A Policy Framework for Peak Oil and Climate Change

House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil & The Lean Economy Connection – January 2011

Disponible (?) en http://www.appgopo.org.uk/documents/TEQ_18Jan2011.pdf

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil, APPGOPO, cambio climático, english, peak oil, políticas públicas, propuestas, TEQ, The Lean Economy Connection

Climate Justice Research Project (2011): Planned Phase Out of Fossil Fuels Proposal for a Real Climate Policy

Climate Justice Research Project at Dartmouth College.

Science calls for a finite limit on CO2 emissions. The easiest way to achieve this is to limit fossil energy extraction.

Disponible en http://www.erambiente.net/CJRP-FossilFuelCap.pdf

Genero: Artículos WWW, Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2011, cambio climático, co2, Dartmouth College, energía fósil, english, políticas públicas
HEINBERG, RICHARD (2009): Blackout: Coal, Climate and the Last Energy Crisis

HEINBERG, RICHARD (2009): Blackout: Coal, Climate and the Last Energy Crisis

Coal fuels about 50 percent of US electricity production and provides a quarter of the country’s total energy. China and India’s ferocious economic growth is based almost entirely on coal-generated electricity. Coal currently looks like a solution to many of our fast-growing energy problems. However, while coal advocates are urging full steam ahead, increasing reliance on the dirtiest of all fossil fuels has crucial implications for the global climate, energy policy, the world economy, and geopolitics.

Coal advocates argue that America has 250 years’ worth of coal. They say that although it’s disastrous stuff, coal is cheap and abundant, and so we should find a way to capture the carbon dioxide released from power plants. But what if the basic premise of that argument is wrong? What if coal isn’t as abundant as everyone thinks, and will be getting more expensive, and scarce, very soon? That’s the conclusion of a series of groundbreaking reports discussed in Blackout: Coal, Climate, and the Last Energy Crisis.

The book includes information from the National Academy of Science and the U.S. Geological Survey. Blackout goes to the heart of the tough energy questions that will dominate every sphere of public policy throughout the first half of this century, and is a must-read for planners, educators, and anyone concerned about energy consumption, peak oil and climate change.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2009, cambio climático, carbón, crecimiento económico, crisis energética, diagnóstico, electricidad, energía, english, geopolítica, previsiones, producción eléctrica
GOODSTEIN, DAVID (2005): Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil

GOODSTEIN, DAVID (2005): Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil

Science tells us that an oil crisis is inevitable. Why and when? And what will our future look like without our favorite fuel?
Our rate of oil discovery has reached its peak and will never be exceeded; rather, it is certain to decline―perhaps rapidly―forever forward. Meanwhile, over the past century, we have developed lifestyles firmly rooted in the promise of an endless, cheap supply. In this book, David Goodstein, professor of physics at Caltech, explains the underlying scientific principles of the inevitable fossil fuel shortage we face. He outlines the drastic effects a fossil fuel shortage will bring down on us. And he shows that there is an important silver lining to the need to switch to other sources of energy, for when we have burned up all the available oil, the earth’s climate will have moved toward a truly life-threatening state. With its easy-to-grasp explanations of the science behind every aspect of our most urgent environmental policy decisions, Out of Gas is a handbook for the future of civilization.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2005, cambio climático, diagnóstico, english, física, geología, peak oil, política