RUPPERT, MICHAEL C. (2004): Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

RUPPERT, MICHAEL C. (2004): Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

Michael Ruppert makes a compelling case that peak oil is the beginning of the end for our industrial civilization and is driving the elites of American power to implement unthinkably draconian measures of repression, warfare, and population control. Though the fuse to Ruppert’s argument is peak oil, the dynamite is the assertion (and wealth of evidence) that the war in Iraq—and even the attacks of 9/11—have been orchestrated by the neocon power players in the US to maintain access to the one thing that ensures their continued political control and wealth—oil. Though overly detailed at times, this is a powerful book, and it will forever change your view of «how things really work.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 11 de septiembre, 2004, colapso de la civilización, conspiración, diagnóstico, economía, eeuu, élites, english, guerra, irak, peak oil, represión
AHMED, NAFEEZ M. (2010): A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It

AHMED, NAFEEZ M. (2010): A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It

It often seems that different crises are competing to devastate civilisation. This book argues that financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages need to be considered as part of the same ailing system.

Most accounts of our contemporary global crises such as climate change, or the threat of terrorism, focus on one area, or another, to the exclusion of others. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed argues that the unwillingness of experts to look outside their own fields explains why there is so much disagreement and misunderstanding about particular crises. This book attempts to investigate all of these crises, not as isolated events, but as trends and processes that belong to a single global system. We are therefore not dealing with a ‘clash of civilisations’, as Huntington argued. Rather, we are dealing with a fundamental crisis of civilisation itself.

This book provides a stark warning of the consequences of failing to take a broad view of the problems facing the world and shows how catastrophe can be avoided.

Reseña en Post Carbon Living.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2010, colapso de la civilización, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, consecuencias políticas, consecuencias sociales, crisis, diagnóstico, english, propuestas