Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia. The Parliament of South Australia, Legislative Council Select Committee – November 25, 2008. Disponible en

About the RAA
RAA Position on ‘Peak Oil’
Background on Oil and Fuel Markets
Global Oil and Gas Prices
Australia’s Oil & Gas Production and Refineries
South Australia’s Petroleum Terminals
Global Petroleum Demand
Australian Demand
SA Demand and Prices
Effect of Rising Cost of Fuel
Public Transport
Measures to Reduce Petroleum Demand
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
Traffic Congestion & ITS
Fuel Tax Reform
Public Education
Petroleum Supply Issues
Reliance on Foreign
Federal Government’s Liquid Fuel Emergency (LFE) Response Plan
Alternative fuels
Natural Gas – CNG & LNG
Gas & Coal Seam

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2008, agrocombustibles, ahorro energético, australia, coches, combustibles alternativos, comités, concienciación, consecuencias del peak oil, demanda de petróleo, depedencia energética, educación, eficiencia, english, fiscalidad, gas natural, gobiernos, hidrógeno, impuestos, mercado del petróleo, parlamentos, peak oil, planes de contingencia, precios del petróleo, propuestas, RAA, refinerías de petróleo, South Australia, transporte público, trasporte
CAMPBELL, COLIN J. (2005): Oil Crisis

CAMPBELL, COLIN J. (2005): Oil Crisis

Colin Campbell explains why, in a work that’s accessible to both layman and professional. The grand old man of depletion studies, and currently president of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil, Colin Campbell distils a lifetime’s study of oil reserves into this book. In his previous acclaimed book, the Coming Oil Crisis, he explained why a crisis was imminent. Now, in OIL CRISIS, he argues it’s here, and the world is hopelessly unprepared for the consequences. Well meaning enthusiasm for renewables and high hopes about hydrogen will be seen for what they are when the wells stop pumping. It’s a crisis of truly historic proportions. This is the book by the man who has the deep oil industry experience to properly unravel the issues, to illuminate for us the chamber of horrors into which we’ve just stumbled. To find out where you really are, read this book.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2005, ASPO, consecuencias del peak oil, crisis, diagnóstico, energías renovables, english, geología, hidrógeno, industria petrolífera, peak oil