Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia. The Parliament of South Australia, Legislative Council Select Committee – November 25, 2008. Disponible en

About the RAA
RAA Position on ‘Peak Oil’
Background on Oil and Fuel Markets
Global Oil and Gas Prices
Australia’s Oil & Gas Production and Refineries
South Australia’s Petroleum Terminals
Global Petroleum Demand
Australian Demand
SA Demand and Prices
Effect of Rising Cost of Fuel
Public Transport
Measures to Reduce Petroleum Demand
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
Traffic Congestion & ITS
Fuel Tax Reform
Public Education
Petroleum Supply Issues
Reliance on Foreign
Federal Government’s Liquid Fuel Emergency (LFE) Response Plan
Alternative fuels
Natural Gas – CNG & LNG
Gas & Coal Seam

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2008, agrocombustibles, ahorro energético, australia, coches, combustibles alternativos, comités, concienciación, consecuencias del peak oil, demanda de petróleo, depedencia energética, educación, eficiencia, english, fiscalidad, gas natural, gobiernos, hidrógeno, impuestos, mercado del petróleo, parlamentos, peak oil, planes de contingencia, precios del petróleo, propuestas, RAA, refinerías de petróleo, South Australia, transporte público, trasporte

Abundancy Partners (2009): Open Letter to the Queen

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Energy underlies everything – Scylla and Charybdis of peak oil and climate change. The underlying cause of the current economic meltdown is a multi-generational debt-binge inextricably linked to a concomitant multi-generational energy-binge. The Academy’s letter focuses on some «imbalances in the global economy». However, the key to addressing our current situation is to recognise the far more serious imbalances between our insatiable hunger for energy, its finite nature and the environmental pollution in its use.

Energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Our exponential debt-based money system is in turn based on exponentially increasing energy supplies. It is therefore clear that the supply of that energy deserves our very highest attention. That this attention doesn’t appear in the Academy’s analysis is deeply worrying.

Phillip Blond, CEO, ResPublica; Alain de Botton, Philosopher; Tom Burke CBE, co-founder E3G; Professor Herman Daly, Maryland University; Geraint Talfan Davies, Chairman, Institute of Welsh Affairs; Professor Lord Anthony Giddens; Stephen Hale, CEO Green Alliance; Andy Hobsbawm, Chair, Founder; Rob Hopkins, Founder of Transition Towns; Prof Tim Jackson, SDC; Tony Juniper, Author and ex Executive Director, Friends of the Earth; Professor Melissa Lane, Princeton University; Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Jeremy Leggett, Chair, Solar Century; Peter Lipman, Chair, Transition Network; Jules Peck, Partner, Abundancy Partners; Robert Phillips, Co-author, Citizen Renaissance; Sir Jonathon Porritt OBE, ex Chair, SDC; Mike Robinson, CEO, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland; John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace; Anthony Seldon, Master, Wellington College; Matthew Taylor, CEO, the RSA; Professor Peter Victor; York University, Canada. 14/08/2009

Genero: Cartas abiertas, Otras publicaciones
Subjects: cambio climático, ciencia, crecimiento económico, crisis económica, diagnóstico, english, fin del crecimiento, gobiernos, Jeremy Leggett, Jonathon Porritt, peak oil, prosperidad, Rob Hopkins
UKERC (2009): Global Oil Depletion – An assessment of the evidence for a near-term peak in global oil production

UKERC (2009): Global Oil Depletion – An assessment of the evidence for a near-term peak in global oil production

UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), October 2009. Copia disponible en

Steve Sorrell
Jamie Speirs
Roger Bentley
Adam Brandt
Richard Miller

This report summarises the main conclusions from the TPA’s assessment of evidence for global oil depletion. The subject of this assessment was chosen after consultation with energy sector stakeholders and upon the recommendation of the TPA Advisory Group, which is comprised of independent experts from government, academia and the private sector. The assessment addresses the following question:
What evidence is there to support the proposition that the global supply of
‘conventional oil’ will be constrained by physical depletion before 2030?

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: Adam Brandt, diagnóstico, energía, investigación, Jamie Speirs, peak oil, reino unido, Richard Miller, Roger Bentley, Steve Sorrell, Sussex Energy Group, UK Energy Research Centre, UKERC
Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce (2009): Building a Positive Future for Bristol after Peak Oil

Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce (2009): Building a Positive Future for Bristol after Peak Oil

Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce, for Bristol City Council and the Bristol Partnership.

Página acerca del informe en el web del ayuntamiento de Bristol:

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The Green Momentum Group and Bristol City
Council wish to thank:
• The peak oil taskforce for compiling the report: Simone Osborn (author), Dan Green,
Peter Lipman, Kate Hoare, Susan Warren, James Durie
• Inez Aponte for the future scenarios
• All the individuals and organisations who provided information or feedback for the

Part 1 –
Peak oil and its significance for Bristol
Part 2 –
1. Peak oil in Bristol
2. Cross sector implications
3. Transport and mobility
4. Food
5. Healthcare
6. Public services
7. Key economic sectors
8. Power and utilities
9. Summary
Part 3 –
Options for action
Key terms
Appendices –
1. An introduction to peak oil
2. Alternative fuels
3. UK natural gas, coal and electricity
4. Who else is considering the issue of peak oil
5. Portland, Oregon peak oil resolution

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, alimentación, ayuntamientos, bristol, Bristol City Council, Bristol Green Capital, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, consecuencias sociales, Dan Green, economía, energía, energías alternativas, english, gobiernos locales, Green Capital Momentum Group, Inez Aponte, James Durie, Kate Hoare, movilidad, peak oil, Peak Oil Taskforce, Peter Lipman, políticas públicas, preparación ante el peak oil, propuestas, reino unido, servicios públicos, Simone Osborn, Susan Warren, the Bristol Partnership, trasporte
Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

This report argues that governments have failed to acknowledge a looming oil supply crunch. Their collective failure means we have lost a decade in which action could have been taken. Recognition of the oil supply crunch would also have injected a sense of urgency and increased ambition into climate change negotiations.

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Página del informe en el web de los editores, con enlace también a una versión en alta resolución:

Nota de prensa:

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, cambio climático, desinformación, english, gobiernos, peak oil, petróleo

Aleklett, Kjell; Höök, Mikael; Jakobsson, Kristofer; Lardelli, Michael; Snowden, Simon; Söderbergh, Bengt (2009): The Peak of the Oil Age – The Uppsala World Energy Outlook

November 2009

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A new study has been accepted for publication in the journal of Energy Policy. The article performs an analysis of the oil production forecast done my the International Energy Agency in 2008 and highlights several shortcomings as well as confirms oher parts.

The assessment of future global oil production presented in the IEA‟s World Energy Outlook 2008 (WEO 2008) is divided into 6 fractions; four relate to crude oil, one to non-conventional oil and the final fraction is natural-gas-liquids (NGL). Using the production parameter, depletion-rate-of-recoverable-resources, we have analyzed the four crude oil fractions and found that the 75 Mb/d of crude oil production forecast for the year 2030 appears significantly overstated, and is more likely to be in the region of 55 Mb/d. Moreover, analysis of the other fractions strongly suggests lower than expected production levels. In total, our analysis points to a world oil supply in 2030 of 75 Mb/d, some 26 Mb/d lower than the IEA predicts.
The connection between economic growth and energy use is fundamental in the IEA‟s present modelling approach. Since our forecast sees little chance of a significant increase in global oil production, our findings suggest that the «policy makers, investors and end users» to whom WEO 2008 is addressed should rethink their future plans for economic growth. The fact that global oil production has very probably passed its maximum implies that we have reached the Peak of the Oil Age.

Genero: Artículos, Informes y estudios
Subjects: diagnóstico, energía, english, journal of Energy Policy, peak oil, política energética
Siemens Ltd. (2010): The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices: Pathways to risk mitigation and a low carbon future

Siemens Ltd. (2010): The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices: Pathways to risk mitigation and a low carbon future

A research project commissioned by Siemens Limited.

This publication is a management summary of a more in depth analysis presented by the
researchers. The full report is available on request from Siemens Limited.

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Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, consecuencias económicas, economía, english, gas natural, irlanda, peak oil, petróleo, precios de gas natural, precios del petróleo, previsiones, Siemens