Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce (2009): Building a Positive Future for Bristol after Peak Oil

Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce (2009): Building a Positive Future for Bristol after Peak Oil

Bristol Green Capital Peak Oil Taskforce, for Bristol City Council and the Bristol Partnership.

Página acerca del informe en el web del ayuntamiento de Bristol:

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The Green Momentum Group and Bristol City
Council wish to thank:
• The peak oil taskforce for compiling the report: Simone Osborn (author), Dan Green,
Peter Lipman, Kate Hoare, Susan Warren, James Durie
• Inez Aponte for the future scenarios
• All the individuals and organisations who provided information or feedback for the

Part 1 –
Peak oil and its significance for Bristol
Part 2 –
1. Peak oil in Bristol
2. Cross sector implications
3. Transport and mobility
4. Food
5. Healthcare
6. Public services
7. Key economic sectors
8. Power and utilities
9. Summary
Part 3 –
Options for action
Key terms
Appendices –
1. An introduction to peak oil
2. Alternative fuels
3. UK natural gas, coal and electricity
4. Who else is considering the issue of peak oil
5. Portland, Oregon peak oil resolution

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, alimentación, ayuntamientos, bristol, Bristol City Council, Bristol Green Capital, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, consecuencias sociales, Dan Green, economía, energía, energías alternativas, english, gobiernos locales, Green Capital Momentum Group, Inez Aponte, James Durie, Kate Hoare, movilidad, peak oil, Peak Oil Taskforce, Peter Lipman, políticas públicas, preparación ante el peak oil, propuestas, reino unido, servicios públicos, Simone Osborn, Susan Warren, the Bristol Partnership, trasporte
RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

November 2010.

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National plans for energy and transport show Europe is set to increase significantly biofuel use. By 2020, biofuels will provide 9.5% of total energy in transport; 92% of these fuels will come from food crops (such as oil seeds, palm oil, sugar cane, sugar beet, wheat).

This will require an expansion of cultivated agricultural land globally, converting forests, grasslands and peat lands into crop fields. Up to 69 000 km2 will be affected – an area over twice the size of Belgium.

Total net GHG emissions from biofuels could be as much as 56 million tonnes of extra CO2 per year, the equivalent of an extra 12 to 26 million cars on Europe’s roads by 2020. This means that instead of being 35 to 50% less polluting than fossil fuels (as required by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED)), once land use impacts are included, the extra biofuels that will come to the EU market will be on average 81% to 167% worse for the climate than fossil fuels.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: agricultura, agrocombustibles, cambio climático, co2, combustibles, ecología, emisiones de GEI, energías alternativas, english, impactos medioambientales, política energética, políticas públicas, previsiones, transporte, ue, uso de la tierra

FLEMING, DAVID; CHAMBERLIN, SHAUN (2011): TEQs – Tradable Energy Quotas: A Policy Framework for Peak Oil and Climate Change

House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil & The Lean Economy Connection – January 2011

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Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil, APPGOPO, cambio climático, english, peak oil, políticas públicas, propuestas, TEQ, The Lean Economy Connection

DECC (2011): The risks and impacts of a potential future decline in oil production

UK Department of Energy & Climate Change.

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A DECC report summarising the main outputs of an internal project undertaken in 2007 by then BERR officials on the issues surrounding peak oil…

Genero: Informes y estudios, Presentaciones
Subjects: 2007, 2011, consecuencias del peak oil, DECC, diagnóstico, energía, english, peak oil, política energética, políticas públicas, previsiones, reino unido

Climate Justice Research Project (2011): Planned Phase Out of Fossil Fuels Proposal for a Real Climate Policy

Climate Justice Research Project at Dartmouth College.

Science calls for a finite limit on CO2 emissions. The easiest way to achieve this is to limit fossil energy extraction.

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Genero: Artículos WWW, Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2011, cambio climático, co2, Dartmouth College, energía fósil, english, políticas públicas
SHARMAN, HUGH; LEYLAND, BRYAN; LIVERMORE, MARTIN (2011): Renewable energy: Vision or mirage?

SHARMAN, HUGH; LEYLAND, BRYAN; LIVERMORE, MARTIN (2011): Renewable energy: Vision or mirage?

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The government is spending enormous sums of money on renewable energy. This report assesses the economic and energy security cases for renewable energy subsidies, and finds that there is no prospect that renewable energy will be able to provide a substantial amount of Britain’s energy needs.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: Adam Smith Institute, energía renovable, gran bretaña, liberalismo, límites de las energías renovables, política energética, políticas públicas, reino unido
ODUM, HOWARD T. (1996): Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making

ODUM, HOWARD T. (1996): Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making

Environmental Accounting Emergy and Environmental Decision Making In this important new work, Howard T. Odum, widely acknowledged as the father of systems ecology, lucidly explains his concept of emergy, a measure of real wealth that provides a rational, science-based method of evaluating commodities, services, and environmental goods. Using specific real-world examples, Dr. Odum clearly demonstrates the revolutionary role of emergy in environmental management and policy making. Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making offers environmental professionals—policymakers, managers, ecologists, planners, developers, and activists—a systematic approach to environmental and economic valuation that will eliminate much of the rancor and adversarial decision making that often plagues environmental issues. Specifically, this book:

  • Describes the theoretical basis, calculation procedures, and applications of emergy
  • Introduces the concept of «transformity,» the ratio of emergy (work put into a product) and energy (value received from the product)
  • Provides formulas for emergy calculations, procedures for making an emergy evaluation table, and parameters for updating evaluations
  • Demonstrates the use of emergy to evaluate environments, minerals, waters, primary energy sources, economic developments, and international trade
  • Compares the emergy approach to environmental evaluation with others

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 1996, ciencia, contabilidad, dinámica de sistemas, econometría, economía ambiental, economía ecológica, emergía, energía, medio ambiente, políticas públicas, teoría, transformidad
NAREDO, JOSÉ MANUEL; AGUILERA, FEDERICO (2009): Economía, poder y megaproyectos

NAREDO, JOSÉ MANUEL; AGUILERA, FEDERICO (2009): Economía, poder y megaproyectos

Este libro tiene como origen el curso que, con el mismo título, se celebró en la Fundación César Manrique entre el 17 y el 19 de octubre de 2007, y que fue dirigido por los editores, Federico Aguilera y José Manuel Naredo.

La publicación incluye textos de Óscar Carpintero, Albert Recio, Manuel Delgado, Félix Arias y Marcos Roitman, además de los propios editores.

Tras los cánticos al libre mercado y al crecimiento de la producción, las operaciones de mera adquisición de riqueza están cada vez más al orden del día. Este libro da cuenta de ello a través de análisis generales y aplicados. Los primeros precisan el contexto sociopolítico en el que toma cuerpo la refundación oligárquica del poder en las actuales democracias, así como la cobertura ideológica que la hace pasar desapercibida. Los análisis aplicados se ilustran con casos en los que determinados personajes y grupos empresariales obtienen el lucro fácil e inmediato mediante «operaciones» inmobiliarias o financieras amparadas por el poder, utilizando como pretexto determinados megaproyectos de gran impacto territorial.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2007, 2009, Albert Recio, capitalismo, cursos, energía, Félix Arias, Fundación César Manrique, ideología, impacto sobre el territorio, infraestructuras, Manuel Delgado, Marcos Roitman, megaproyectos, Óscar Carpintero, política, políticas públicas, productivismo, sociopolítica