ITPOES (2008): The Oil Crunch: Securing the UK’s energy future

ITPOES (2008): The Oil Crunch: Securing the UK’s energy future

UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security (ITPOES) – 29 October 2008. Copia disponible en

The UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security (ITPOES), which includes:

Foster and Partners
Scottish and Southern Energy
Stagecoach Group
Virgin Group

has published its first report on Peak Oil, with a foreword by Lord Oxburgh (Former chairman of Shell).

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2008, empresas, english, Lord Oxburgh, previsiones, reino unido, seguridad energética
Institute for Sensible Transport (2009): Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contigency Plan.

Institute for Sensible Transport (2009): Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contigency Plan.

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Maribyrnong City Council. Prepared by the Institute for Sensible Transport, September 2009.

Elliot Fishman. Project Director and Report Editor
Phil Hart. Risk Management and Oil Industry Analyst
Joe Hurley. Workshop Facilitator and Urban Planning

1 Executive Summary
2. The Project – Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contingency Plan
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Project Objective
2.3 Project Process
2.4 About this Report
3 Context – Peak Oil and Oil Vulnerability
3.1 Peak Oil
3.2 Responding to Peak Oil – Current Examples
3.3 Maribyrnong Council and Community Profile
4 The Process – Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contingency Planning
4.1 Identifying Representative Service Areas
4.2 Workshop Scenarios
4.3 Risk Assessment Process
5 Representative Service Area Risk Profiles
6 Trigger Points
7 Themes and Recommendations
8 Conclusions
Appendix One – Condensed Recommendations
Appendix Two – Council Fuel Use
Appendix Three – Food Security

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, alimentación, australia, Elliot Fishman, english, escenarios, gobiernos locales, Joe Hurley, Maribyrnong, Maribyrnong City Council, Phil Hart, planes de contingencia, previsiones, propuestas, riesgos, seguridad, vulnerabilidad
Siemens Ltd. (2010): The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices: Pathways to risk mitigation and a low carbon future

Siemens Ltd. (2010): The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices: Pathways to risk mitigation and a low carbon future

A research project commissioned by Siemens Limited.

This publication is a management summary of a more in depth analysis presented by the
researchers. The full report is available on request from Siemens Limited.

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Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, consecuencias económicas, economía, english, gas natural, irlanda, peak oil, petróleo, precios de gas natural, precios del petróleo, previsiones, Siemens
Artus, Patrick; d’Autume, Antoine; Chalmin, Philippe; Chevalier, Jean-Marie (2010): Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil

Artus, Patrick; d’Autume, Antoine; Chalmin, Philippe; Chevalier, Jean-Marie (2010): Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil

English summary of the report pages 247-254.

Conseil d’Analyse Économique – July 2010:

Christian de Boissieu
Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil
Christian de Boissieu, Antoine d’Autume,
Philippe Chalmin et Jean-Marie Chevalier

1. La place du pétrole
1.1. Faut-il encore craindre les chocs pétroliers ?
1.2. La consommation d’énergie et de pétrole
2. L’évolution du prix du pétrole
2.1. Les fondamentaux de l’offre
2.2. La demande
2.3. La volatilité du prix du pétrole
2.4. L’évolution future du marché pétrolier
3. L’impact d’un choc pétrolier
3.1. Les effets macroéconomiques d’un choc pétrolier
3.2. Prendre la mesure du choc d’offre
3.3. Les effets sectoriels de la hausse du prix du pétrole
3.4. Les effets sur les ménages
4. Préconisations
4.1. Régulation macroéconomique
4.2. Une spécialisation productive efficace pour exporter vers les pays producteurs de pétrole
4.3. La croissance verte
4.4. Réduire la volatilité des cours et réglementer davantage les marchés dérivés des matières premières
4.5. Fiscalité
Membres du groupe de travail
Personnes auditionnées
Benoît Coeuré
Roger Guesnerie
A. La transmission de la variation du prix du pétrole à l’économie
François Lescaroux et Valérie Mignon
B. Élasticité-prix des consommations énergétiques des ménages
Marie Clerc et Vincent Marcus
C. Prix du pétrole et croissance potentielle à long terme
Guy Lalanne, Erwan Pouliquen et Olivier Simon
D. Évaluation de l’impact macroéconomique d’une hausse du prix du pétrole de 20 % à l’aide
des modèles macroéconométriques Mésange et NiGEM
Yannick Kalantizs et Caroline Klein
E. Le Grenelle de l’environnement et la croissance verte: le regard de l’ADEME sur les investissements visant les économies d’énergie et les énergies renouvelables
Gaël Callonnec, Thomas Gaudin et François Moisan

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, Antoine d’Autume, Benoît Coeuré, Caroline Klein, Christian de Boissieu, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, Conseil d'Analyse Économique, crecimiento verde, economía, energías renovables, english, Erwan Pouliquen, fiscalidad, français, francia, François Lescaroux, François Moisan, Gaël Callonnec, gobiernos, Guy Lalanne, Jean-Marie Chevalier, Marie Clerc, materias primas, modelos, Olivier Simon, peak oil, Philippe Chalmin, política energética, política fiscal, precios del petróleo, previsiones, propuestas, recursos, regulación macroeconómica, Roger Guesnerie, Thomas Gaudin, Valérie Mignon, Vincent Marcus, Yannick Kalantizs
SMITH, CLINT (2010): The next oil shock?

SMITH, CLINT (2010): The next oil shock?

New Zealand Parliamentary Research Paper – October 2010

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Clint Smith
Research Analyst, Economics and Industry Team
Parliamentary Library

The world may be entering an era defined by relatively short periods of economic growth terminating in oil price spikes and recession.

New Zealand is not immune to the consequences of this situation. In fact, its dependency on
bulk exports and tourism makes New Zealand very vulnerable to oil shocks.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, diagnóstico, english, fin del crecimiento, nueva zelanda, peak oil, precios del petróleo, previsiones, recesión
RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

RSPB; ActionAid; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace (2010): Driving to Destruction

November 2010.

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National plans for energy and transport show Europe is set to increase significantly biofuel use. By 2020, biofuels will provide 9.5% of total energy in transport; 92% of these fuels will come from food crops (such as oil seeds, palm oil, sugar cane, sugar beet, wheat).

This will require an expansion of cultivated agricultural land globally, converting forests, grasslands and peat lands into crop fields. Up to 69 000 km2 will be affected – an area over twice the size of Belgium.

Total net GHG emissions from biofuels could be as much as 56 million tonnes of extra CO2 per year, the equivalent of an extra 12 to 26 million cars on Europe’s roads by 2020. This means that instead of being 35 to 50% less polluting than fossil fuels (as required by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED)), once land use impacts are included, the extra biofuels that will come to the EU market will be on average 81% to 167% worse for the climate than fossil fuels.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: agricultura, agrocombustibles, cambio climático, co2, combustibles, ecología, emisiones de GEI, energías alternativas, english, impactos medioambientales, política energética, políticas públicas, previsiones, transporte, ue, uso de la tierra

SHARMAN, HUGH (2011): Renewables won’t keep the lights on

(Originally entitled “Are Green Times just around the corner?”)


Dr John Constable, the Director of Research at the Renewable Energy Foundation ( has written an important new article, entitled «Renewables won’t keep the lights on», for the on-line Standpoint Magazine at

Genero: Artículos WWW
Subjects: 2011,, energía, energías renovables, english, John Constable, límites de las energías renovables, previsiones, reino unido
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (2011): Population: One Planet, Too Many People?

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (2011): Population: One Planet, Too Many People?

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Resumen, notas de prensa, aparición en los medios, etc.:

By 2100, the global human population may reach 9.5 billion with 75% of these people located within urban settlements. Meeting the needs and demands of these people will provide significant challenges to governments and society at large, and the engineering profession in particular.

Four key areas in which population growth and expanding affluence will significantly challenge society are: food, water, urbanisation and energy.

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2011, agua, ahorro energético, alimentos, diagnóstico, energía, energía renovable, ingeniería, previsiones, propuestas, superpoblación, tecnología, urbanización