Abundancy Partners (2009): Open Letter to the Queen

Copia disponible en http://web.archive.org/web/20091026023315/http://abundancypartners.com/open-letter-queen

Energy underlies everything – Scylla and Charybdis of peak oil and climate change. The underlying cause of the current economic meltdown is a multi-generational debt-binge inextricably linked to a concomitant multi-generational energy-binge. The Academy’s letter focuses on some «imbalances in the global economy». However, the key to addressing our current situation is to recognise the far more serious imbalances between our insatiable hunger for energy, its finite nature and the environmental pollution in its use.

Energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Our exponential debt-based money system is in turn based on exponentially increasing energy supplies. It is therefore clear that the supply of that energy deserves our very highest attention. That this attention doesn’t appear in the Academy’s analysis is deeply worrying.

Phillip Blond, CEO, ResPublica; Alain de Botton, Philosopher; Tom Burke CBE, co-founder E3G; Professor Herman Daly, Maryland University; Geraint Talfan Davies, Chairman, Institute of Welsh Affairs; Professor Lord Anthony Giddens; Stephen Hale, CEO Green Alliance; Andy Hobsbawm, Chair Agency.com, Founder dothegreenthing.com; Rob Hopkins, Founder of Transition Towns; Prof Tim Jackson, SDC; Tony Juniper, Author and ex Executive Director, Friends of the Earth; Professor Melissa Lane, Princeton University; Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Jeremy Leggett, Chair, Solar Century; Peter Lipman, Chair, Transition Network; Jules Peck, Partner, Abundancy Partners; Robert Phillips, Co-author, Citizen Renaissance; Sir Jonathon Porritt OBE, ex Chair, SDC; Mike Robinson, CEO, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland; John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace; Anthony Seldon, Master, Wellington College; Matthew Taylor, CEO, the RSA; Professor Peter Victor; York University, Canada. 14/08/2009

Genero: Cartas abiertas, Otras publicaciones
Subjects: cambio climático, ciencia, crecimiento económico, crisis económica, diagnóstico, english, fin del crecimiento, gobiernos, Jeremy Leggett, Jonathon Porritt, peak oil, prosperidad, Rob Hopkins

YOUNGQUIST, WALTER (1999): The Post-Petroleum Paradigm — and Population

Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 20, N. 4 (marzo 1999): copia disponible en http://www.dieoff.org/page171.htm

Traducción al italiano: http://www.oilcrash.com/italia/petrolm.htm

Genero: Artículos
Subjects: 1999, agricultura, colapso de la población, diagnóstico, energía, energías renovables, english, etanol, gas natural, Human Sciences Press, límites de la ciencia, límites de la tecnología, medio ambiente, mitos, peak oil, población, población pospetróleo, prosperidad, superpoblación