Disponible en http://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/2011-press-releases/Population_report.pdf?sfvrsn=0
Resumen, notas de prensa, aparición en los medios, etc.: http://www.imeche.org/knowledge/themes/environment/Population
By 2100, the global human population may reach 9.5 billion with 75% of these people located within urban settlements. Meeting the needs and demands of these people will provide significant challenges to governments and society at large, and the engineering profession in particular.
Four key areas in which population growth and expanding affluence will significantly challenge society are: food, water, urbanisation and energy.
Subjects: 2011, agua, ahorro energético, alimentos, diagnóstico, energía, energía renovable, ingeniería, previsiones, propuestas, superpoblación, tecnología, urbanización