YOUNGQUIST W. (1997): GeoDestinies: The inevitable control of Earth resources over nations and individuals

YOUNGQUIST W. (1997): GeoDestinies: The inevitable control of Earth resources over nations and individuals

The Earth’s mineral riches are distributed unevenly over the globe, and this has tremendous effects on the human condition. Different regions have achieved great power and affluence with the development of resources, from water and fertile soil to oil and high-tech metals. What will happen to these economies as the resources are depleted?

This unique volume presents and analyzes essential data on energy and mineral resources and population issues of concern to sociologists, geologists, ecologists, economists, policymakers, futurists, and political scientists.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 1997, english, geología, geopolítica, minerales, National Book Company, población, política, previsiones, recursos naturales

YOUNGQUIST, WALTER (1999): The Post-Petroleum Paradigm — and Population

Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 20, N. 4 (marzo 1999): copia disponible en

Traducción al italiano:

Genero: Artículos
Subjects: 1999, agricultura, colapso de la población, diagnóstico, energía, energías renovables, english, etanol, gas natural, Human Sciences Press, límites de la ciencia, límites de la tecnología, medio ambiente, mitos, peak oil, población, población pospetróleo, prosperidad, superpoblación