Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (2008): The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia

The Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia. The Parliament of South Australia, Legislative Council Select Committee – November 25, 2008. Disponible en

About the RAA
RAA Position on ‘Peak Oil’
Background on Oil and Fuel Markets
Global Oil and Gas Prices
Australia’s Oil & Gas Production and Refineries
South Australia’s Petroleum Terminals
Global Petroleum Demand
Australian Demand
SA Demand and Prices
Effect of Rising Cost of Fuel
Public Transport
Measures to Reduce Petroleum Demand
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
Traffic Congestion & ITS
Fuel Tax Reform
Public Education
Petroleum Supply Issues
Reliance on Foreign
Federal Government’s Liquid Fuel Emergency (LFE) Response Plan
Alternative fuels
Natural Gas – CNG & LNG
Gas & Coal Seam

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2008, agrocombustibles, ahorro energético, australia, coches, combustibles alternativos, comités, concienciación, consecuencias del peak oil, demanda de petróleo, depedencia energética, educación, eficiencia, english, fiscalidad, gas natural, gobiernos, hidrógeno, impuestos, mercado del petróleo, parlamentos, peak oil, planes de contingencia, precios del petróleo, propuestas, RAA, refinerías de petróleo, South Australia, transporte público, trasporte

Abundancy Partners (2009): Open Letter to the Queen

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Energy underlies everything – Scylla and Charybdis of peak oil and climate change. The underlying cause of the current economic meltdown is a multi-generational debt-binge inextricably linked to a concomitant multi-generational energy-binge. The Academy’s letter focuses on some «imbalances in the global economy». However, the key to addressing our current situation is to recognise the far more serious imbalances between our insatiable hunger for energy, its finite nature and the environmental pollution in its use.

Energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Our exponential debt-based money system is in turn based on exponentially increasing energy supplies. It is therefore clear that the supply of that energy deserves our very highest attention. That this attention doesn’t appear in the Academy’s analysis is deeply worrying.

Phillip Blond, CEO, ResPublica; Alain de Botton, Philosopher; Tom Burke CBE, co-founder E3G; Professor Herman Daly, Maryland University; Geraint Talfan Davies, Chairman, Institute of Welsh Affairs; Professor Lord Anthony Giddens; Stephen Hale, CEO Green Alliance; Andy Hobsbawm, Chair, Founder; Rob Hopkins, Founder of Transition Towns; Prof Tim Jackson, SDC; Tony Juniper, Author and ex Executive Director, Friends of the Earth; Professor Melissa Lane, Princeton University; Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Jeremy Leggett, Chair, Solar Century; Peter Lipman, Chair, Transition Network; Jules Peck, Partner, Abundancy Partners; Robert Phillips, Co-author, Citizen Renaissance; Sir Jonathon Porritt OBE, ex Chair, SDC; Mike Robinson, CEO, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland; John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace; Anthony Seldon, Master, Wellington College; Matthew Taylor, CEO, the RSA; Professor Peter Victor; York University, Canada. 14/08/2009

Genero: Cartas abiertas, Otras publicaciones
Subjects: cambio climático, ciencia, crecimiento económico, crisis económica, diagnóstico, english, fin del crecimiento, gobiernos, Jeremy Leggett, Jonathon Porritt, peak oil, prosperidad, Rob Hopkins
Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

Global Witness (2009): Heads in the Sand: Governments Ignore the Oil Supply Crunch and Threaten the Climate

This report argues that governments have failed to acknowledge a looming oil supply crunch. Their collective failure means we have lost a decade in which action could have been taken. Recognition of the oil supply crunch would also have injected a sense of urgency and increased ambition into climate change negotiations.

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Página del informe en el web de los editores, con enlace también a una versión en alta resolución:

Nota de prensa:

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, cambio climático, desinformación, english, gobiernos, peak oil, petróleo
Artus, Patrick; d’Autume, Antoine; Chalmin, Philippe; Chevalier, Jean-Marie (2010): Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil

Artus, Patrick; d’Autume, Antoine; Chalmin, Philippe; Chevalier, Jean-Marie (2010): Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil

English summary of the report pages 247-254.

Conseil d’Analyse Économique – July 2010:

Christian de Boissieu
Les effets d’un prix du pétrole élevé et volatil
Christian de Boissieu, Antoine d’Autume,
Philippe Chalmin et Jean-Marie Chevalier

1. La place du pétrole
1.1. Faut-il encore craindre les chocs pétroliers ?
1.2. La consommation d’énergie et de pétrole
2. L’évolution du prix du pétrole
2.1. Les fondamentaux de l’offre
2.2. La demande
2.3. La volatilité du prix du pétrole
2.4. L’évolution future du marché pétrolier
3. L’impact d’un choc pétrolier
3.1. Les effets macroéconomiques d’un choc pétrolier
3.2. Prendre la mesure du choc d’offre
3.3. Les effets sectoriels de la hausse du prix du pétrole
3.4. Les effets sur les ménages
4. Préconisations
4.1. Régulation macroéconomique
4.2. Une spécialisation productive efficace pour exporter vers les pays producteurs de pétrole
4.3. La croissance verte
4.4. Réduire la volatilité des cours et réglementer davantage les marchés dérivés des matières premières
4.5. Fiscalité
Membres du groupe de travail
Personnes auditionnées
Benoît Coeuré
Roger Guesnerie
A. La transmission de la variation du prix du pétrole à l’économie
François Lescaroux et Valérie Mignon
B. Élasticité-prix des consommations énergétiques des ménages
Marie Clerc et Vincent Marcus
C. Prix du pétrole et croissance potentielle à long terme
Guy Lalanne, Erwan Pouliquen et Olivier Simon
D. Évaluation de l’impact macroéconomique d’une hausse du prix du pétrole de 20 % à l’aide
des modèles macroéconométriques Mésange et NiGEM
Yannick Kalantizs et Caroline Klein
E. Le Grenelle de l’environnement et la croissance verte: le regard de l’ADEME sur les investissements visant les économies d’énergie et les énergies renouvelables
Gaël Callonnec, Thomas Gaudin et François Moisan

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, Antoine d’Autume, Benoît Coeuré, Caroline Klein, Christian de Boissieu, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, Conseil d'Analyse Économique, crecimiento verde, economía, energías renovables, english, Erwan Pouliquen, fiscalidad, français, francia, François Lescaroux, François Moisan, Gaël Callonnec, gobiernos, Guy Lalanne, Jean-Marie Chevalier, Marie Clerc, materias primas, modelos, Olivier Simon, peak oil, Philippe Chalmin, política energética, política fiscal, precios del petróleo, previsiones, propuestas, recursos, regulación macroeconómica, Roger Guesnerie, Thomas Gaudin, Valérie Mignon, Vincent Marcus, Yannick Kalantizs
VV.AA. (2004): World in Transition: Towards Sustainable Energy Systems

VV.AA. (2004): World in Transition: Towards Sustainable Energy Systems

German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU).

Genero: Informes y estudios, Libros
Subjects: alemania, earthscan, eficiencia, energía, english, escenarios, estrategias, financiación, geopolítica, German Advisory Council on Global Change, gobernanza, gobiernos, instituciones, inversiones, investigación, metodologías, pobreza energética, políticas públicas, previsiones, tecnología, transición, transporte, WBGU
TERTZAKIAN, PETER (2008): A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World

TERTZAKIAN, PETER (2008): A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World

In A Thousand Barrels a Second, Chief Energy Economist of ARC Financial Peter Tertzakian examines the future of oil and offers insights into what it will take to rebalance our energy needs and seize new opportunities. He answers the top questions asked by business leaders, policy makers, investors, and concerned citizens as we approach the coming break point:

  • Are today’s high oil and gas prices part of a routine business cycle, or are there more profound forces at play?
  • Are hybrid vehicles our only solution against high gasoline prices?
  • Is China’s growing thirst for energy sustainable?
  • Which government policies work and which do not?
  • Will nuclear power and coal save the day-again?

Tertzakian also offers a realistic, informed look into the future of our energy supply chains and how our consumption patterns may evolve, revealing how governments, businesses, and even individuals can meet the coming challenges with better solutions and innovations.

Genero: Libros
Subjects: 2008, carbón, china, coches híbridos, diagnóstico, economía, eeuu, energía nuclear, gobiernos, peak oil, políticas públicas, propuestas