Institute for Sensible Transport (2009): Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contigency Plan.

Institute for Sensible Transport (2009): Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contigency Plan.

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Maribyrnong City Council. Prepared by the Institute for Sensible Transport, September 2009.

Elliot Fishman. Project Director and Report Editor
Phil Hart. Risk Management and Oil Industry Analyst
Joe Hurley. Workshop Facilitator and Urban Planning

1 Executive Summary
2. The Project – Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contingency Plan
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Project Objective
2.3 Project Process
2.4 About this Report
3 Context – Peak Oil and Oil Vulnerability
3.1 Peak Oil
3.2 Responding to Peak Oil – Current Examples
3.3 Maribyrnong Council and Community Profile
4 The Process – Maribyrnong City Council Peak Oil Contingency Planning
4.1 Identifying Representative Service Areas
4.2 Workshop Scenarios
4.3 Risk Assessment Process
5 Representative Service Area Risk Profiles
6 Trigger Points
7 Themes and Recommendations
8 Conclusions
Appendix One – Condensed Recommendations
Appendix Two – Council Fuel Use
Appendix Three – Food Security

Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2009, alimentación, australia, Elliot Fishman, english, escenarios, gobiernos locales, Joe Hurley, Maribyrnong, Maribyrnong City Council, Phil Hart, planes de contingencia, previsiones, propuestas, riesgos, seguridad, vulnerabilidad
Kurtenbach, Christian; Ramos, Pedro; Kunc, Martin (2010): The Influence of UK Energy Security and Peak Oil as Drivers Impacting on WCC Services and Activities

Kurtenbach, Christian; Ramos, Pedro; Kunc, Martin (2010): The Influence of UK Energy Security and Peak Oil as Drivers Impacting on WCC Services and Activities

Warwick Business School, MSc Business Analytics and Consulting – October 2010.

This study analyses the influence of UK Energy Security and Peak Oil as drivers
impacting on Warwickshire County Council (WCC) activities. The questions addressed by the study are what UK Energy Security and Peak Oil are all about, why they matter, how they impact on WCC, and what the authority’s next steps should be.


Our results show that WCC Services are affected by these threats through increased costs, changes in demand, impacts on staff, and possibly shortages. Some areas are more severely affected than others and the nature of the impact varies, but all of the areas analysed are exposed to these risks in some way.

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Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: alimentación, ayuntamientos, bomberos, cadenas de suministro, consecuencias del peak oil, construcción, demanda energética, desabastecimientos, familias, gobiernos locales, jóvenes, niños, peak oil, precios del petróleo, preparación ante el peak oil, reino unido, riesgos, seguridad energética, servicios municipales, transporte, Warwick Business School, Warwickshire County Council
KOROWICZ, DAVID (2010): Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production. An Outline Review

KOROWICZ, DAVID (2010): Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production. An Outline Review


Genero: Informes y estudios
Subjects: 2010, cadenas de suministro, colapso, consecuencias del peak oil, consecuencias económicas, english, Feasta, fin de la mundialización, mundialización, peak oil, resiliencia, riesgo sistémico, riesgos, The Risk/Resilience Network, transporte, vulnerabilidad